Our Brand
SplineTech is a company that offers high-quality solutions and services for very reasonable prices; therefore it may be very profitable for you to resell our services. SplineTech provides you with all the materials you may need - presentations, booklets, portfolio and case studies and, of course, our round-the-clock support. The only thing you need to do is find people or companies who may be interested in any of our services. Then you pass the contact to us and our business analysts and technical specialists approach the customer to find out the details of the possible project.
  • You do not have to invest money to start a business
  • You can dedicate as much time as you want to resell SplineTech services or products
  • We offer you good commissions in case of project success
  • We sign a contract that gives you full authority to represent interests of our company in your country and regulates all the questions of commissions and related things
  • No experience in IT industry is required
Want to become reseller for SplineTech
Maintaining effective relationships and mutually beneficial ties with our partners is our number one business goal. SplineTech builds partnerships based on a common vision, mutual trust, professional integrity, and ongoing mutual understanding. We highly value our partners for the technological innovations and leadership they have to offer. We look forward to extending and sustaining our strategic partnership with those who are at the forefront of technology, with research institutes and leaders in industry, and with those who are ready to meet industry-driven challenges along with us.
Bonding with the best
Collaborations are the key to delivering value for our clients. Experience has driven the belief in us that partnerships enhance performance and support cross-fertilization of ideas leading to well managed, scalable and complete solutions. Our adopted belief in keeping good company bears testimony in our alliances with most industry leaders and visionaries who share our spotless commitment to our customers. This is just a small beginning in the several milestones that we have set with our partners to jointly strive and deliver.
SplineTech takes pride in being a Business Partner for IBM. Tivoli software provides a comprehensive set of offerings and capabilities in support of IBM service management, a scalable, modular approach used to deliver more efficient and effective services to your business. Meeting the needs of any size business, Tivoli Software enables you to deliver services excellence in support of your business objectives through integration and automation of processes, workflows and tasks. The security rich, open standards-based Tivoli Management platform is complemented by proactive operational management solutions that provide end-to-end visibility and control.
SplineTech has partnered with Microsoft to help create rich solutions for broader markets, and bring greater value to customers through solutions that address business needs. SplineTech, together with Microsoft provide customers around the world with industry-leading solutions and services.
SplineTech is proud to be associated with Symantec .SplineTech is registered partner for Symantec.
SplineTech has partnered with Intelliob. Accord eHR, Paycare, MoneyFacts, Timemate are their Prime Products.
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